Hey there!

I’m Yolande.

I am excited to help you Search Better through deeper reflection and effective storytelling.

I am a college educator with a passion for improving the people and processes I interact with in my work.

In my five years in higher education and student affairs, I have had the privilege of building, creating, learning and growing with colleagues, graduate students, supervisors and peers. In this time I have developed a passion for helping graduate students and new professionals as they prepare for and engage in their job search process. There are 3 beliefs I hold that shape my approach to job search preparation, and are my guide posts for the content you will encounter on this website:

  1. I believe that everyone has a story that is sacred and should be treated as such.

  2. I believe that our stories affect how we see and understand the world around us and the opportunities we pursue.

  3. I believe that deep reflection and effective storytelling are essential parts of the job search process.

I operate in the field of higher education and student affairs, which means that my understanding, knowledge, nuggets and guidance come from that frame. With that being said, I encourage you to take what you need and leave what you don’t.

Thank you for inviting me into your story and on your journey as you Search Better.

My Higher Education/Student Affairs Story

Like many in this field, my journey started while I was an undergraduate at the University of Maryland. I was a Resident Assistant and enjoyed the role more than my major courses. Thus began my investigation into the field of student affairs.

I went on to complete my masters in Higher and Student Affairs at Baylor University . After two wonderful years in Waco (and many more visits to Magnolia), and a hectic search through The Placement Exchange (TPE), I graduated and moved to Oklahoma.

At the University of Oklahoma, I was a Residential College Director for two years. I then moved to Clemson University, where I am currently an Assistant Director. Fours states and two searches later, I have gained an abundance of knowledge that I am excited to share with you.