Yolande Graham Yolande Graham

The Prep Talk (2): How to prioritize your wellness when doing a job search

The job search can be an overwhelming process. The uncertainty and vulnerability of it can take a toll on our overall wellness, our sense of self and can dim our passion for what we want to do if we do not employ the appropriate tools to address our wellness needs. In this post, I will focus on three things, how to better practice awareness of where you are, how to develop your self-care plan and how to build your community of care.

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Yolande Graham Yolande Graham

The “Prep Talk” (1): Writing Your Story Through Intentional Reflection

You’ve heard of the pep talk, but do you know about the “Prep Talk”? This upcoming series of posts that I have dubbed “The Prep Talk” are dedicated to discussing and walking you through the personal, mental and professional preparation that you need to do in the first stages of your job search. Your job search is a process and it requires a plan. The best plans offer solid foundation that you can go back to when things get hectic, when you lose focus or when your stress and anxiety about the process are starting to take lead in your decision-making.

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Yolande Graham Yolande Graham

3 Things To Do BEFORE You Look at a Job Listing

As I thought about what the first post on the Search Better Blog should be, I considered starting with a story from my job search or maybe some profound tip I have for how to improve your job search. But after some time reflecting, this thought emerged--a better search begins with better preparation. 

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